NCFI’s United States of Spray Foam
We are the best partner you can have for success in the SPF insulation business. Our collective knowledge from more than 55 years of experience, our record of science-based innovation of sustainable spray foam insulation products and SPF roofing and coatings, and our reputation as a ruggedly independent American company making high performance American products.
As a Partner You Get Access To:
- Exceptional deals on the best equipment and parts
- The highest performance HFO materials in the industry
- The industry’s best mobile United States of Spray Foam App for immediate access to product and technical info., reports, equipment tech drawings, calculating material needed, and ordering parts or material
- Hands-on application training
- Advanced training and certification
- Delivery from our plants in Mount Airy, NC, Houston, TX, or any of our 14 distribution warehouses across the US
- Chances to test our latest scientifically advanced insulation and roofing products
- Co-branded marketing materials
- White papers, case studies, and guides for business success
- Cool swag
- Legendary NCFI support

Why NCFI is the Best American SPF Partner
- NCFI is an American company that pioneered the use of SPF for insulation and roofing
- The first to develop “high-performance” closed-cell materials and market them as such, though others now borrow that successful label
- Innovated 1.7 and 2.0 lb. closed-cell products, so contractors could see better bottom lines
- Contractor/applicator favorite higher-yield, high-performance open-cell SPF insulation
- Awarded the international Montreal Protocol Award by the US EPA for our ozone protection commitment
- Recognized by the White House for our low-global-warming-potential product line
- Excellent SmartSPF HFO low global warming potential foam products
- Recognized for our 35-year partnership with NASA and the United Launch Alliance for excellence as a supply partner for foam insulation for the US Space Shuttle’s External Tank Program. We supply SPF for the ULA’s newest family of unmanned Delta rockets and the new Space Launch System. We also work with the private space company, Virgin Galactic